Japanese Taco Rice
When I traveled often to Japan for client meetings, I discovered a simple meal that you could dress up or dress down, and it was simple enough to make at home in various ways.
Taco Rice - not tako as in Japanese for octopus - a trend that started in Okinawa and spread like wild fire across the country is a simple dish. Comprised of fresh hot steaming rice, taco filling (use your choice of protein or veggies or both with taco seasoning), q-pie's mayo, cheese, vegetables, salsa and sour cream. It can have any variation of the previously mentioned or NONE of it. It's up to you!
I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. I don't travel to Japan as often as I used to or as often as I'd like, but every once in awhile, I'll have the taste for this! Enjoy!

STEP ONE: Make your taco filling. In my taco filling I mixed ground beef with sriracha, tomatoes, cabbage, black beans, chili powder and salt and pepper.
Actually, step one should be make your damn rice, good grief! I just assumed you all knew that!
Also, I probably went cabbage overboard and am thankful I sleep alone.
THE TOPPINGS: You can really add whatever makes you happy. I would have added raw jalapenos, but ate the last one a few days ago and this meal for me is one where I'm not going out of my way to create, it is a comfort dish and use what you have in the house! For my veggies I have green onions, lettuce, limes and cabbage (as mentioned, cabbage overload).

STEP TWO: After making your HOT FRESH rice all nice, nice in da bowl, put a layer of q-pie's mayo! Eh, Martha Souza said, "shaddap! no judge!"
Before you get all holy and judge-y on me, if you eat sushi, you've had rice and mayo. If you're from Hilo and eat chili, you've had rice and mayo.

STEP THREE: Add the taco filling and cheese! Almost there!

STEP FOUR: Add the veggies and DIG IN!